Every-Day Book
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April 8.

St. Dionysius, Bp. of Corinth, 2d Cent. St. Ædesius, A.D. 306. St. Perpetuus, Bp. A.D. 491. St. Walter, Abbot, A.D. 1099. B. Albert. Patriarch of Jerusalem, A.D. 1214.


1341. The expression of Petrarch's passion for Laura, gained him such celebrity, that he had a crown of laurels placed upon his head, in the metropolis of the papacy, amidst cries from the Roman people, "Long live the poet!"

1364. John, king of France, who had been brought prisoner to England by Edward, the Black Prince, in his captivity, died at the Savoy-palace, in the Strand.


Ground Ivy. Glecoma hederacea.
Dedicated to St. Dionysius.