Every-Day Book | vol II date / index |
September 3.
St. Simeon Stylites, the younger, A. D. 592. St. Remaclus, Bp. of Maestricht, A. D. 664. St. Mansuet, first Bp. of Toul, in Lorrain, A. D. 375. St. Macrisius, first Bp. of Connor, in Ireland, A. D. 513.
Proclamation of
This is the only Fair now held within the city of London, and, as introductory to an account of this annual scene, it is necessary to notice that it has been the custom from time immemorial for one of the four attorneys of the lord mayor's court, who may happen to be what is termed the attorney in waiting, (and which duty in respect of proclaiming the Fair for the last seven years has devolved upon Mr. Carter,) to accompany the lord mayor in his state carriage from the Mansion-house to Smithfield, on the day whereon the Fair is proclaimed, which is on the 3d of September, unless Sunday should fall on that day. The proclamation is read at the gate leading into Cloth-fair by the lord mayor's attorney, and repeated after him by a sheriff's officer, in the presence of the lord mayor and sheriffs, and also of the aldermen, (if they attend, but who, though summoned for that purpose, seldom appear.) The procession afterwards proceeds round Smithfield, and returns to the Mansion-house, where, in the afternoon, the gentlemen of his lordship's household dine together at the sword-bearer's table, and thus the ceremony is concluded. It was also the custom of the procession to stop at Newgate to drink to the governor's health, but this practice was discontinued in the second mayoralty of Mr. Alderman Wood.
The following is a copy of the proclamation from the parchment-roll now used:—
"Form of the Proclamation of Bartholomew Fair made at the Great Gate going into the Cloth Fair, Smithfield.
"OYEZ, 3 times.
"The Right Honourable [John Garratt] Lord Mayor of the CITY OF LONDON, and his right Worshipful Brethren the aldermen of the said City, streightly charge and command, on the behalf of our Sovereign Lord the King, That all manner of Persons of whatsoever Estate, Degree, or Condition they be, having recourse to this Fair, keep the Peace of our said Sovereign Lord the King.
"THAT no manner of Persons shall make any Congregation, Conventicles, or Affrays, by the which the same peace may be broken or disturbed, upon pain of Imprisonment, and Fine, to be made after the discretion of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen.
"ALSO, that all manner of Sellers of Wine, Ale, or Beer, sell by measures ensealed, as by Gallon, Pottle, Quart and Pint, upon pain that will fall thereof.
"AND, that no person sell any Bread, but it be good and wholesome for Man's Body, upon pain that will fall thereof.
"AND, that no manner of Cook, Pye-baker, nor Huckster, sell, nor put to sale, any manner of Victual, except it be good and wholseome for Man's Body, upon pain that will fall thereof.
"AND, that no manner of Person buy nor sell, but with true weights and measures, sealed according to the Statute, in that behalf made, upon pain that will fall thereof.
"AND, that no manner of person or persons take upon him, or them, within this Fair, to make any manner of arrest, attachment, summons, or execution; except it be done by the Officers of this City, thereunto assigned, upon pain that will fall thereof.
"AND, that no person or persons whatsoever, within the limits and bounds of this Fair, presume to break the Lord's day in selling, shewing, or offering to Sale, or in buying, or in offering to buy, any Commodities whatsoever; or in sitting tippling, or drinking in any Tavern, Inn, Alehouse, Tipling House or Cook house; or in doing any other thing that may tend to the breach thereof, upon the pain and penalties contained in several Acts of Parliament, which will be severely inflicted upon the Breakers thereof.
"AND, finally, that what person soever find themselves aggrieved, injured, or wronged, by any manner of Person in this Fair, that they come with their Plaints before the Stewards in this Fair assigned to hear and determine Pleas, and they will minister to all parties, Justice, according to the Laws of this Land, and the Customs of this City.
God save the King.
"IT IS ORDERED that this Fair do finally close on [Wednesday] next.
N. B. This Fair continues 3 days, exclusive of the day of Proclamation."
Fleabane. Inula dysenterica.
Dedicated to St. Simeon Stylites Jun.
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