Every-Day Book | vol II date / index |
August 27.
St. Cæsarius, Abp. of Arles, A. D. 542. St. Pæmen, or Pastor, Abbot about A. D. 385. St. Hugh of Lincoln, A. D. 1255. St. Joseph Calasanctius, A. D. 1648. St. Malrubius, about A. D. 1040. St. Syagrius, Bp. of Autun, A. D. 600.
The Glowworm.
Dr. Forster in his "Perennial Calendar" quotes the mention of this and other luminous insects from "a late entomological work," in the following passage:—"This little planet of the rural scene may be observed in abundance in the month of August, when the earth is almost as thickly spangled with them as the cope of heaven is with stars. It is not only the glowworm that will not bear inspection when its lustre is lost by the light of day; but all those luminous insects that bear the same phosphoric fire about them, such as the lanthorn fly of the West Indies and of China, of which there are several sorts; some of which carry their light in a sort of snout, so that when they are seen in a collection, they are remarkably ugly. There is also an insect of this luminous sort common in Italy, called the lucciola. An intelligent traveller relates, that some Moorish ladies having been made prisoners by the Genoese, lived in a house near Genoa till they could be exchanged, and, on seeing some of the lucciola, or flying glowworms, darting about in the evening in the garden near them, they caused the windows to be shut in a great alarm, from a strange idea which seized them, that these shining flies were the souls of their deceased relations."
Hedge Hawkweed. Hieracium unbellatum.
Dedicated to St. Cæsarius.
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