Every-Day Book | vol II date / index |
May 4.
St. Monica. St. Godard, Bp. A.D. 1038.
ST. MONICA, A.D. 387.
She was mother of St. Augustine, whom she sent to study at Carthage, where, in 373, he became a Manichee, and remained so, to his mother's affliction, until 386; she was a woman of piety, and he revered her memory. Her supposed remains were translated with the customary ceremonies of the church of Rome, but their identity has been doubted.* [1]
1471. Battle of Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, gained by Edward IV. over the Lancasterians.
1677. Dr. Isaac Barrow died, aged 47. He was an eminent mathematician, a learned divine, and a high cavalier. Educated at the Charter-house, he was disinclined to study; his recreation was in sports that led to fighting among the boys, yet he afterwards subdued his inclination to quarrels, and distinguished himself as a scholar. He became professor of mathematics at Cambridge, master of Trinity-college, served the office of vice-chancellor, and was buried in westminster Abbey. Charles II. used to say of him, that he exhausted every subject whereon he treated; yet he did nothing for him. After the Restoration, Barrow wrote a Latin distich, thus translated:—
O how my breast did ever burn,
To see my lawful king return!
Yet, whilst his happy fate I bless,
No one has felt his influence less.Barrow was a great smoker to help his thinking. He was a great wit: he met Rochester at court, who said to him, "doctor, I am yours to my shoe-tie;" Barrow bowed obsequiously with, "my lord, I am yours to the ground;" Rochester returned this by, "doctor, I am yours to the centre;" Barrow rejoined, "my lord, I am yours to the antipodes;" Rochester, not to be foiled by "a musty old piece of divinity," as he was accustomed to call him, exclaimed, "doctor, I am yours to the lowest pit of hell;" whereupon Barrow turned from him with, "there, my lord, I leave you."
1736. Eustace Budgell drowned himself, at the age of 52, from vexation, that a bequest to him of 2,000l. in the will of Dr. Tindal, was set aside. He wrote in the "Spectator," "Tatler," and "Guardian;" was a member of the Irish parliament, and lost his property in the South-sea bubble[.]
1758. George Bickham, the eminent writing-engraver, died, aged 74; and was buried at St. Luke's, Old-street.
1795. John James Barthelemy, the celebrated author of "The Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece," died, aged 79. He was a man of deep learning and simplicity of character; unhappily he became involved in the troubles of the French revolution, and endured great hardships from the turbulence of men opposed to his views of social happiness.
A distinguished naturalist obligingly communicates the subjoined table and prefatory remark.
For the Every-Day Book.
A notion prevails that birds do great injury in gardens and fields, and hence rewards are frequently offered to induce boys and others to kill them in spring. The notion and the practice are erroneous. A gentleman of long experience in horticulture, has ascertained that birds, in general, do more good by destroying vermin than they do harm by the little fruit and grain they consume; and entire district in Germany was once nearly deprived of its corn harvest, by an order to kill all the rooks having been generally obeyed.
Table of the average terms of their arrival, deduced from a Journal of Natural History, kept during nearly sixty years.
The Least Willow Wren arrives about - - - March 31
Stone Curlew - - - March 27
Chimney Swallow - - - April 15
Redstart - - - April 16
Blackcap - - - April 17
Nightingale - - - April 14
Martlet - - - April 20
Sand Martin - - - April 25
Yellow Willow Wren - - - April 15
Lesser Reed Sparrow - - - April 23
Cuckoo - - - April 21
Great Green Willow Wren - - - April 21
Grasshopper Lark - - - April 16
Spotted Flycatcher - - - April 20
Pied Flycatcher - - - April 15
Black Martin - - - May 9
Fern Owl - - - May 20
Swift - - - May 14
Stock Gilly Flower. Mathiola incana.
Dedicated to St. Monica.
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Notes [all notes are Hone's unless otherwise indicated]:
1. Butler. [return]