Every-Day Book
vol II date    /    index  


March 5.

Sts. Adrian and Eubulus, A.D. 309. St. Kiaran, or Kenerin. St. Roger, A.D. 1236.

St. Piran.

This saint, anciently of good repute in Cornwall, is not mentioned by Butler. According to Porter he was born in Ireland, and became a hermit there. He afterwards came to England, and settling at Cornwall, had a grave made for him, entered into it, and dying on the 6th of March, "in the glorie of a great light and splendour that appeared at the same instant," was buried at Padstow. "He is reported," says Porter, "to have wrought manie wonderfull miracles in his lifetime, which bicause they tend rather to breed an incredulous amazement in the readers, then move to anie workes of vertues or pietie, we have willingly omitted." We have had a specimen of such miracles as father Porter deemed worthy of belief; those of St. Piran which would have caused "incredulous amazement" in Porter's readers must have been "passing wonderfull."

St. Piran's day is said to be a favourite with the tinners; having a tradition that some secrets regarding the manufacture of tin was communicated to their ancestors by that saint, they leave the manufacture to shift for itself for that day and keep it as a holiday.


Green Hellebore. Helleborus viridis.
Dedicated to St. Adrian.