William Hone, whose “Every Day Book” and other works of like tendency have
largely contributed to the information and recreation of the Public in
general and the rising generation in particular, has gradually fallen into
distress with a large family.
Notwithstanding the publicity of his name, and the popularity and utility of
his recent writings, his recluse and sedentary [word missing?] have limited
him to personal intimacy with very few individuals, and of these, two
gentlemen that know him well have witnessed the anxiety and precariousness
of his literary employment, and have earnestly encouraged the Family to open
a Respectable Coffee House on principles of Economy at No. 13 Gracechurch
Street, which, in the opinion of persons qualified to judge, is a situation
peculiarly suitable to the purpose.
At the express instance of his active wellwishers in London he went into the
North at the close of last year to obtain means for the concern, and the
undermentioned Gentlemen contributed as follows —
At Liverpool
- Charles Blundell Esq. -----------------------------£10
- Joseph Birch Esq. M. P. ---------------------------£5
- Edward Cearns Jun. Esq ----------------------------£5
- William Fawcett Esq -------------------------------£5
- Enoch Harvey Esq ----------------------------------£5
- Arther Heywood Esq --------------------------------£10
- William Jevons Esq --------------------------------£5
- Robert Preston Esq --------------------------------£5
- W. R. Preston Esq ---------------------------------£5
- William Rathbone Esq ------------------------------£5
- Richard Rathbone Esq ------------------------------£5
- Edward Rushton Esq --------------------------------£5
- Joseph Sanders Esq --------------------------------£5
- Rev. William Shepherd (Gateacre) ------------------£5
- Earl of Sefton ------------------------------------£10
- Thomas Thornely Esq -------------------------------£5
- Robert Whittle Esq --------------------------------£5
- Joseph B. Yates Esq -------------------------------£5
At Manchester
- John Ashton Esq -----------------------------------£5
- Hannibal Becker Esq -------------------------------£5
- John Brooks Esq -----------------------------------£5
- A Friend of John Brooks Esq -----------------------£5
- Thomas Burgess Esq --------------------------------£5
- William bury Esq (Foxhill Band, near Blackburn) ---£5
- Messrs Thomas Coates & Co
- Richard Collins Esq -------------------------------£5
- Thomas Crossley Esq -------------------------------£5
- Messrs Du Fay Colin & Co
- J. C. Dyer Esq ------------------------------------£10
- Messrs Fielden Brothers ---------------------------£10
- John Fort Esq -------------------------------------£5
- Robert H Greg Esq ---------------------------------£5
- Alexander Henry Esq -------------------------------£5
- Charles Howard Esq --------------------------------£5
- Aaron Lees Esq ------------------------------------£5
- Joseph Mason Esq ----------------------------------£5
- Robert Philips Esq --------------------------------£10
- Thomas Potter Esq ---------------------------------£10
- Richard Potter Esq --------------------------------£10
- Richard Rostrum Esq -------------------------------£5
- E. B. W. Sanderson Esq ----------------------------£5
- Leo Schuster Esq ----------------------------------£5
- James Simpson Esq ---------------------------------£5
- J. Smith Esq --------------------------------------£5
- John Smith Esq ------------------------------------£5
- George Smith Esq ----------------------------------£5
- Messrs William George & Joseph Strutt (Derby)
- P. F. Willcart Esq --------------------------------£5
- George William Wood Esq ---------------------------£5
These and other gifts have enabled the Family to obtain the Lease and
Fixtures of the house in Gracechurch Street, and pay for Furniture and
Goods, and for Bricklayers’ Carpenters’ Joiners’ and other essential work to
the extent of about £700. But there is a further sum of at least £300
required for Bedsteads Bedding &c for Sleeping Rooms which will yield a
daily profit, and for Gas Lamps Floor-cloth Carpetting Ironmongery
Steam-vessels Hardware Plate Glass Earthenware and other articles and
Fittings absolutely indispensible to the completion of the place which in
all other respects is now ready for business. This sum it is proposed to
collect, if possible, by way of loan or gift, as may be agreeable to
Gentlemen disposed to assist the Family in their united effort. And, if the
amount can be obtained without loss of time it will be attended with
indescribable benefit, inasmuch as it will enable them to open the Coffee
House immediately and put an end to many disadvantages and expenses
inseparable from delay.