
Henry Leigh Hunt to William Hone, 12 December, 1820

[1780-1818] - [1818-1824] - [1825-1832] - [1832-1842] - Hone Correspondence

Henry Leigh Hunt to William Hone, 12 December, 1820.1-TEI-

Examiner Office,
Tuesday, Dec. 12
Dear Sir, —

My father2 is now engaged in preparing his defence in the country, & "making out his Bill of Indictment", as he calls it, against the House of Commons. The more facts he can get the better therefore; & he thinks you can perhaps help him to the leading pamphlets expository of the various branches of state corruption, published within the last 40 or 50 years. I shall send a parcel to-morrow night, & it would oblige us much, if you would lend him for a short time what you can muster on the subject.

Yours very truly,
Henry L. Hunt.

Mr. William Hone,
Ludgate Hill.

University of Iowa Digital Library, Leigh Hunt Letters, item: MsL H93h3. [external link] [return]
Henry Hunt's father was John Hunt, publisher and partner of The Examiner. Beginning in 1819, Henry Leigh Hunt had taken a leading role in the editorship of the weekly newspaper. John Hunt nonetheless remained active in radical/reformist publishing and activism and—as the present letter demonstrates—was repeatedly the target of government prosecution. [return]
Henry Leigh Hunt. Date: 2014-04-08