Every-Day Book
vol II date    /    index  


September 27.

Sts. Cosmas and Damian, A. D. 303. Sts. Elzear and Delphina, A. D. 1323, and 1369.

Sts. Cosmas
and Damian.

These saints are said to have been beheaded under Dioclesian.

In a church dedicated to these saints at Isernia, near Naples, while sir William Hamilton was ambassador from Great Britain to that court, votive offerings were presented of so remarkable a nature, as to occasion him to acquaint sir Joseph Banks with the particulars. They were the grossest relics of the ancient pagan worship. The late Mr. Richard Payne Knight wrote a remarkable "Dissertation" on the subject for the use of the Dilettanti.


Manyflowered Starwort. Aster multiflorus.
Dedicated to St. Delphina.