Every-Day Book
vol II date    /    index  


August 31.

St. Raymund Nonnatus, A. D. 1240. St. Isabel, A. D. 1270. St. Cuthburge, 8th Cent. St. Aidan, or Ædan, A. D. 651.

St. Aidan.

He was born in Ireland, and was bishop of Lindisfarne, which from the number of reputed saints there buried, is called the Holy Island. Bede relates many miracles and prophecies of him. His cart and two oxen laden with wood as he drove them, falling down a high rock into the sea, he only made the sign of the cross as they fell, and received all safe and sound out of the waters, &c.


Autumnal Pheasant's Eye. Adonis autumnalis.
Dedicated to St. Raymund.