Every-Day Book
vol II date    /    index  


July 5.

St. Peter, of Luxemburg, Card. A.D. 1387. St. Modwena, 9th Cent. St. Edana, of Elphim and Tuam.

There is a beautiful mention of flowers, at this season, in some lines from the Italian of Louis Gonzago.

With an Indian Perfume-box to Maria de Mancini, 1648.

Oh! the Florence rose is freshe and faire,
  And rich the young carnations blowe,
Wreathing in beauties' ebonne haire,
  Or sighing on her breaste of snowe,
But onlie violette shall twine
Thy ebonne tresses, ladye mine.

Oh! dazzling shines the noon-daye sunne,
  So kinglye in his golden carre,
But sweeter 'tis when day is done,
  To watche the evening's dewye starre,
In silence lighting fielde and grove,
How like mye heart, how like mye love!

Then, ladye, lowlye at thy feete
  I lay this gift of memorie,
All strange and rude, but treasures sweete
  Within its gloomy bosome lie.
Trifles, Marie! may telle the tale,
When wisdom, witte, and courage faile.



Double Yellow Rose. Rosa Sulphurea.
Dedicated to St. Edana.