Every-Day Book
vol II date    /    index  


March 3.

St. Cunegundes, Empress, A.D. 1040. Sts. Marinus and Asterius, or Astyrius. St. Emeterius, or Madir, and St. Chelidonius. St. Winwaloe, Abbot, A.D. 529. St. Lamalisse, 7th Cent.

Sts. Emeterius and Chelidonius.

Two Spanish saints, famous against hailstorms. When hailstorms come on, the clergy proceed thus:

1. They make a procession to the church.
2. They put lighted candles on the altar.
3. They sing a hymn to these saints.
4. They chaunt the antiphona.
5. They sing the praises of these saints.

By the time this chain is linked, the storm finishes.


On the 3d of March, 1792, died Robert Adam, Esq. He was born at Kirkaldy, in Fifeshire, in 1728, educated at the university of Edinburgh, devoted himself to architecture, went to Italy to study its ancient remains, became proficient in his profession, and rose to its highest honours: he was appointed architect to their majesties, and chosen fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies of London and Edinburgh. In conjunction with his brother, Mr. James Adam, who died 20th November 1794, he built some of the finest of our modern mansions. His genius and acquirements adorned London with several structures, eminently superior in beauty to those which arose around him under the direction of other hands; but the work for which the Adams are chiefly celebrated, is the elegant range of buildings called the Adelphi. This Greek word, denoting the relationship of brothers, was conferred in compliment to the brothers, by whose intellect and science, in opposition to long vitiated taste, and difficulties deemed impracticable, these edifices were elevated. It is related that soon after their completion, a classically educated gentleman being present at a public dinner, and intending to toast the Messrs. Adams, who were also present, begged to give "the Adelphi;" and that this occasioned a worthy citizen to exclaim, "Bless me! it's a very odd toast; what drink the health of a parcel of houses! However, oh, oh! ah, ah! I see! yes, yes! on, the witty rogue! What, the street's in a healthy spot? so it is; very healthy! Come I'll drink its health with all my heart!—Here's the Adelphi Terrace! I'll stand up to it, (rising) and I hope it will never go down!"

Garrick resided in one of the houses of the Adelphi until his death, and was a friend of the Adams, who indeed were intimate with most of the eminent men in art and literature. Before the Adelphi was finished, the late Mr. Thomas Becket, the bookseller, desired the corner house of Adams-street, then building as a spacious avenue by the Adams to their terrace and the adjacent thoroughfares. Garrick anxious to secure the commanding corner for his friend Becket, wrote a warm-hearted letter in his behalf to Messrs. Adam. The letter has never been published, and being in the possession of the editor of the Every-Day Book, he inserts a copy of it, with a correct fac-simile of the commencement and conclusion. This hasty unstudied note, warm from the feelings, is testimony of Garrick's zeal for a friend's success, and of his qualifications as a solicitor to promote it: there is in it

—— a grace beyond the reach of art.

Salutation of letter from Garrick to the 'Adelphi'

I forgot to speak to you last Saturday about our friend Becket.— We shall all break our hearts if he is not bookseller to y* Adelphi, & has not y* corner house that is to be built.—Pray, my dear & very good friends, think a little of this matter, & if you can make us happy, by suiting all our conveniences— we shall make his shop, as old Jacob Tonson's was formerly, y* rendevouz for y* first people in England. —I have a little selfishness in this request—I never go to coffee-houses, seldom to taverns, & should constantly (if this scheme takes place) be at Becket's at one at noon, & 6 at night; as y* monkey us'd to be punctual in Piccadilly.

When you left me on Saturday, whether I had exerted my spirits too much, or gave too great a loose to my love of drinking with those I like, I know not; but I wa [sic] attack'd terribly with a fit of y* stone, & had it all yesterday morning, till I was relieved from torture, to y* great joy of my wife & family. — I was 4 hours upon y* rack, & now as free from pain as ever I was. I am weak w[ith] my disorder; but I could eat, turtle & laugh with you again to day, as if nothing had ail'd me— 'tis a curs'd disorder, & that you may never have that curse make y* peace w[ith] heav'n by an act of righteousness, & bestow that corner blessing (I have mention'd) upon Becket & his family—this is y* pray'r & petition

Closing of letter from Garrick to the Adelphi.

Mr. Becket had the "corner blessing" conferred upon him.—He removed into the house from another part of the Strand, and remained tennant to the "Adelphi," until he retired into Pall Mall.


Golden Fig Marygold. Mesembrianthemum aureum.
Dedicated to St. Cunegundes.