Every-Day Book
vol II date    /    index  


February 4.

St Andrew Corsini, A.D. 1373. St. Phileas. St. Gilbert. St. Jane, or Joan, Queen, A.D. 1505. St. Isidore, of Pelusium, A.D. 449. St. Rembert, Archbishop of Bremen, A.D. 888. St. Modan, of Scotland. St. Joseph, of Leonissa, A.D. 1612.

Goe plow in the stubble for now is the season
For sowing of fitches, of beanes, and of peason.
Sow runciuals timely, and all that be gray,
But sow not the white, till St. Gregorie's day.



Goldilocks. Polytricum Commune.
Dedicated to St. Jane.

Indian Bay. Laurus Indica.
Dedicated to St. Margaret of England.