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Bodleian Library, Oxford

The published cataloge of the Bodleian Library lists the following Hone materials:

Misc. letters from the collection of W[alter] Wilson, 25441:

Hone, William. July 22, 1822: 25441, f. 264

Hone, William.

Letter to _________ Coxhead and obituary notice: 25441, ff. 263-65
Letter to W. Wilson, May 5, 1830: 25445, ff. 140, 141
Letter to William Hone from T. Ashe, 25439, ff. 42v-44

Letters to William Hone, 32679--the catalogue description is as follows:

32679. In English, on paper: written in 1818-1824: 14x10.5 in., 1+29 leaves.

Fifteen letters, all but one addressed to William Hone, bookseller, of Ludgate Hill, London, 1818-1824: the writers are: --J. Drakard (two, the first not to Hone, 1818-22: foll. 2, 20), rev. Niel Douglas (one, June 22, 1818: fol. 4): Francis Douce (four, 1820-24: fol. 6, 15, 17, 21): Lord Darlington (three, 1820: foll. 8, 10, 12), W. Douglas (one, May 3, 1822: fol. 19), G. Dyer (four, undated, foll. 23, 24, 25, 27).

'Thorpe sale, 386': in the Phillipps library, MS. no. 33393: lot 711 in the Phillipps sale on June 8, 1899, when it was bought by the Bodleian. Now MS. Eng. misc. c. 32.